The Gaian Crystals
Natural Crystals are wondrous treasures bestowed upon the world by Mother Earth, Gaia, hence The Gaian Crystals.
The Gaian Crystals are part of an amazing Crystals Clan that are meant to be released to the world and share their wonderful vibrations and positive energies, through this shop, for the ones who have found your way here. Crystals will always find a way to get to where they needed to go when the time is right. Do we really choose the Crystals, or do the Crystals choose us with their mystical ways?
It is my hope that these Crystals will help each of you with awakening your Spirit wholly, and thus raise your Consciousness fully, and aid you in any way that they can to uplift, enlighten, and better yourself whether it would be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, or cohesively. Consequently, all this will help uplift, brighten, and better the World and Gaia as well. Every Crystal is unique with its own energy signature metaphysically and energetically, yet it is still a part of the Crystals Energy Collective, much like us as unique individual among the larger Human Collective. Thus, each individual experience varies. As such, general information for any Crystals ought to be used with discretion. It is advisable to trust and follow your own intuition, as you have more knowledge and guidance within than you may realize, and let your Spirit guide you. Even without getting into the metaphysical aspects of the Crystals, one can always appreciate the sheer beauty and the magnificent work of wonders by Mother Nature in these Crystals! |
"In a Crystal we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle,
and though we cannot understand the life of a Crystal, it is none the less a living being." — Nikola Tesla
and though we cannot understand the life of a Crystal, it is none the less a living being." — Nikola Tesla